Chiropractic is a health care discipline that serves to improve and balance the body’s structure and function through spinal adjustments that affect the communication between the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves; which are regulated by both the somatic and autonomic nervous systems) and the rest of the body. Our spinal cord is our major life antenna.
As a Chiropractor, our philosophy emphasizes that the Universal or Innate intelligence of the body does the healing. Doctors or Practitioners do not heal, but assist in facilitating the healing process - as only the body can heal itself
My approach to Chiropractic care is holistic in that I aim to assess and support your physical, chemical and emotional well-being.
The three main techniques practised during a chiropractic consultation are:
Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) – to assess the physical structure of your body.
Total Body Modification (TBM) – to assess the chemical aspects of the body.
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) – to assess the emotional state of a person.
ABC – assesses the location of any mechanical stress on the body which can not be self-corrected. The technique recognises that the body is one synchronised unit with everything connected. Checking the body from head to toe allows the body to unwind from previous injury or mechanical stress that interferes with nervous system functions. Immediate postural improvement is evident following each session.
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TBM – assesses organs or areas of the body that are not functioning at their peak state. The technique utilises kinesiology (muscle testing) principles to stimulate numerous reflex points around the body. This detects and determines why the area is stressed and corrects any interference by restoring balance to the nervous system.
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NET – normalises unresolved physical and/or behavioural patterns that have become “locked” in the body. The technique assists the body’s own healing process by identifying meridian access points around the body where emotions may be stored and then eliminating unresolved Neuro Emotional Complexes (NEC’s).
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Bronwyn also integrates neurofunctional techniques from the Melillo Method and others, that she learned with Dr Robert Melillo, Dr Kyle Daigle and Dr Brandon Crawford, based on determining the deficient side of the brain that may be contributing to neurodivergent conditions, anxiety type symptoms, traumatic brain injury and complex pain syndromes.
Chiropractic does not claim, promise or guarantee to “cure” specific conditions.
Although pain may resolve quickly, it can take time to restore proper function of the spine and nervous system. Many patients choose to maximise their spinal health and general well-being by having maintenance care on a regular basis.