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August 2021 Newsletter

Bronwyn Lakay

August 2021 Newsletter - News, views & upcoming events Wonderous greetings to YOU... The News... Clinically - I finished my locums in the Tweed area and now an solely based from my home clinic once again. Amidst the "lock downs" health care appointments are considered essential, and therefore I will continue to be here for you, anytime you need care and support. Apologies for the delay in getting a newsletter out, but I was out and about enjoying Winter and having some work done on my website. So, I figured you wouldn't mind waiting an extra month to hear from me. We had one great adventure to the Springbrook Observatory - checking out the stars, asteroids and nebula... How incredible to think that what we see in a moment of the night's sky, is really what occurred minutes before; so we're actually seeing the past. The concept of it blew my mind as it's been a long time since I had considered how connected we are physically to space. Prior to our trip up to Springbrook, I hadn't realised that there'd be a few space maiden flights in July. It seems we certainly are galactic citizens these days... :-) In fact, we're all connected in so many ways we've never even imagined. We also got to enjoy the cool nights, great hikes and waterfalls, and awesome sunsets. Seriously... how blessed are we?!! In the last school holidays we also ventured out to Kerry, Qld - to a farm at Cainbable and met a special cow called Bob, who thought she was a puppy and would come in for a pat and follow you around. She was so gorgeous, and seemed unperturbed that the rest of the herd didn't want to hang out with her. She was content to just BE, and express and share her LOVE, as we all should be in the current times... The farm collie-kelpie dogs were so amazingly trained, astutely listening to their owners cues and calls. It was just adorable to see and interact with the communication between people and animals. & now the fireflies are back - it really, truly is a magical time of the year!! It renews my sense of awe and wonder each year when we encounter the flashing treasures just on dusk. If we can consider that concept of allowing our inner light to shine in the world, how can or will we be inspiring and enthralling others around us...?? The Views... I was wondering what YOU would like to know and therefore am considering launching a webinar catch up once every couple of months where you can ask me questions, and I'd be more than happy to share my insights or consider with you how we can work together to find solutions. Due to the global stress worldwide, Patrick McKeown, whom I learnt Buteyko Breathing from continues to offer a free online children's course through his website at and I have discounted my kids online course to a cuppa at $5 for unlimited access. It may have been targeted for the kids but is still beneficial for us big kids, if you'd prefer not to go into the depth and theory of the adult class... You're welcome to consider that class too, as there is no age limitation... :-). The Upcoming... The initial Health Focus webinar will be on Monday 6th September at 1pm, Queensland time. So, if there is a topic you'd like me to present on, or if you have specific questions about anything health related, drop me a line. If you can't make the live session, I am hoping to learn how to record it too, so that you can join us when you can; knowing that your thoughts will be with us... There have been a number of people expressing their interest in the next kinesiology workshop that I run. 'Simple Kinesiology for Everyday Living' - is a full day workshop for anyone wanting to learn simple tools to determine physical, chemical and/or emotional imbalances, with easy balancing corrections. If you too would like to learn more, let me know and I'll lock in a date sooner rather than later. Isabelle is hoping that they are able to have their School Fun Run on the 31st August 2021. She would greatly appreciate your sponsorship should you consider donating money to her beautiful, small, little school - which even though has grown considerably, has 126 children in the whole school. Wishing you an awesome August! Much love, Bronwyn :) Isabelle's School Fun Run Link FREE Health Focus Webinar FREE Online Health Focus Webinar - Monday, 6th September 2021 at 1pm AEST (Brisbane Time). Email me your questions either before hand or when you register, so that I can tailor the session around what YOU want to know... :-) Contact me if you're interested in joining our next full day Kinesiology workshop. Classes in 'New Thought and Inspiration Fields' VickiElectraSpiritual Conscious Evolution of Humanity Visit the College of New Thought The Compendium of ThoughtThe Compendium of Thought opening doors to greater minds everywhere Monday Dr, Tallebudgera Valley QLD 4228, Australia 0414670419 Share on social Check out my website Created with Explore Ascend

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