Happy New Year to You... :-)!!
The News...
May this year bring you heart-felt love, belly-felt laughter and peace in every way… :-)
I hope that you got to rest over the festive season and had opportunities for quality family time. I find Christmas the most joyous family time, and having had family drop in from further afield and visiting from overseas has made it even more special.
Last month before the busy-ness started we managed to get away to the Bundaberg region for the first time and got to venture out to the southern end of the Great Barrier Ree. We had a day trip out to Lady Musgrave Island; snorkelling with colourful fish and coral and swimming with turtles truly was magical, and then we got to feed wild dolphins in Tin Can Bay. The thrill of interacting with animals in the wild, honouring their space and their play is so magical. There was one particularly dolphin that loved children and he sought out each of the children in the area and had a sonic conversation, which was so special to witness…. :-)!!
I continue to see patients at both my practice and locuming at Dr Andrew Treloar’s practice at Essence Chiropractic in Tweed Heads on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thus, at present, my earliest availability is the end of January. ;-)
The Views...
As we commence this year, I invite you to venture in…,
To ask your heart what it truly desires…???
& I ask that you to honour your Soul and commit to allowing yourself time, nurturing, love and self care. It’s not just about doing… it’s about listening to the vibration of your heart and soul to hear, witness and dream of the magic that awaits your willingness to experience…
As “Abraham” says, you’ve got to know what you want, ask and then… BE IN THE RECEIVING MODE!!!
The Upcoming...
I'm currently planning my calendar and this year I hope to offer more workshops in
Simple Kinesiology for Everyday Living - ways to talk to your body and others'.
Facing the JOY - learning how our face reveals how we are processing and expressing life in the moment.
Being Woman - delving into our cycles and self-care practice.
Belly Bliss - considering how we are not digesting life and finding practical ways to regain our health and vitality.
Wise Woman Soul Retreat - reawakening, reaffirming and reconnecting to the wisdom within,
and other health, wellbeing, creative retreats.
If there is a particular offering that is sparking your interest, let me know and we can create one sooner! Wishing you a sensational year and a jovial January... :-) Much love, Bronwyn xo