Mahalo to May... The News... This weekend I was honoured to share with a lovely group of ladies at the 'Simple Kinesiology for Everyday Living' workshop. I am inspired every time I teach; seeing others' realise that they too have the gift of utilising simple techniques to assess themselves, others and even pets to determine if there is physical, chemical or emotional imbalance, and how to correct them. Clinically - I'll be at commencing a locum back at Graham's Kenyon's clinic, at Banora Tweed Family Chiropractic Centre in South Tweed from Thursday, 6th May to the 24th. I will be there on Mondays', Thursdays and Fridays. For those who are unable to get in with me at my home clinic, you're welcome to see me down there... The Views... This month I have been learning more about RBTI (Reams Biological Theory of Ionisation) - delving more into the various factors that contribute to our chemical health. The more I learn, the more I am intrigued, and the more I feel that I don't know... :-)! It truly is inspiring to learn something new everyday!! In learning I have been musing over how blessed I feel I am to enjoy life and to love all that I do... I love to learn and I love to share with others, and I have countless opportunities each day to fulfill that passion. As I've been putting together pieces of my own health puzzle(s), it all seems to make more sense as you understand the why that could be...(?). I love, love, love it!!! It has also made me ponder how each modality that I practise encompasses an art, science and philosophy... The art is our individual way of expressing, the science is being able to consistently and predictably attain results, and the philosophy for me is believing in our miraculous ability to adapt, to grow and to heal... We ALL have the foundation of everything that we need within!! We have to remember to LOVE ourselves and to trust the love that lies within. The Upcoming... The next couple of months for me are busy doing locums, but I'm delighted to share upcoming options offered by a few very special people I know... Firstly I'd like to share an offering by the beautiful Vicki O'Leary offering online classes on 'New Thought and Inspiration Fields'. She is running a series of ZOOM classes on a Tuesday evening from 7pm - 9pm AEST, if you are free and open. Sessions are interactive and experiential and will also be recorded if you are unable to join live. For more information visit - The link to Vicki's class outline is also below... Secondly I'd like to share offerings by the beautiful Christine Allgaier from Holistic Massage Therapies in Coolangatta. She has recently introduced a frequency bed to her clinic and is now also offering Clayfield art therapy. The frequency bed is Cymatic Resonance Therapy - a harmless, non-invasive process that adjusts, optimises, and harmonises the cells of your body and brain by sending sound wave frequencies through a warm, waterbed style membrane while listening to the sounds of healing music. The 'Clayfield' - is a large, flat box filled with smooth clay. With closed eyes one makes contact with the material and allows the hands to find their way through touching, scratching, digging, kneading, patting, beating ... until shapes start to emerge. Scenes become created, destroyed, recreated ... telling one's story. At the end of a session, there is no art object to take home, except an intense and transformative experience. I had a session last Friday and thoroughly enjoyed both the experience and where my body took me... I highly recommend allowing yourself an experience... May you have a magnanimous May! Much love, Bronwyn :) Classes in 'New Thought and Inspiration Fields' VickiElectraSpiritual Conscious Evolution of Humanity Button The Compendium of ThoughtThe Compendium of Thought opening doors to greater minds everywhere Monday Dr, Tallebudgera Valley QLD 4228, Australia 0414670419 Share on social Check out my website Created with Explore Ascend
