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October 2021 Newsletter

Salut to Spring...

I am a little late welcoming October, but that's the joy of retrograde, right...(?)

I love October, especially because it is Jacaranda season!!! :-)

The News...

As we welcome the warmer weather on the Gold Coast, the electric storms are magical too!!

Last month I thoroughly enjoyed sharing at the one day kinesiology workshop with a wonderful group of inspiring Beings!! I am humbled and overjoyed each time I get the opportunity to share, as in essence it's the simplified version of what I do in clinic, and everyone can do it. I love being able to witness miracles each and every day, and each attendee brings so much wisdom into sharing circles too, that we all learn from each other.

I also attended a TMJ (jaw) workshop last weekend, taught by Ron Phelan, a Bowen therapist. He shared some amazing videos of incredible changes that occurred when he worked in the USA with orthodontist, Dr Brendan Stack. If you google his name you will see some incredible footage of significant motor disorders changing before your eyes, once a dental appliance is inserted to help realign their jaw in centric relation. Some of you have already experienced some of the new techniques I learnt, to gently realign the jaw into its optimal position which naturally affects other parts of the body too. The body is so fascinating!!!

The Views...

As we venture into warmer weather I thought I'd comment about what happens when our carbohydrate/ sugar levels are out of balance. Generally when our sugars are too high, it also increases the heat in our body... So, if you're feeling extra hot, for example particularly at night it may suggest that your sugars are high. Now sugars may be high from too much sugar in your diet, or eating a heavier meal in the evening, or if your body is sluggish and not eliminating as often as is optimal (which ideally would be at least 3 times per day); the waste matter starts fermenting. Subsequently this results in an increase in sugars and alcohol in your system and usually you'd feel more bloating and discomfort. In addition when our sugars are high and our calciums are low, we find it harder to resist our addictions...

Now, in the RBTI philosophy the best way to regulate your sugars is to have at least one fresh green drink a day. Many clients' that I have recommended this to have asked if a green powder is ok... Ideally fresh is best, the reason being that a fresh juice also contains enzymes which support the liver and digestion immensely. Any substance that is processed will lose some of its potency and a green powder still has the minerals we become deficient in, but is not nearly as potent as a freshly made juice!!

The Upcoming...

* A beautiful patient, Kerry McKeown has completed her courses in Body Code and Emotion Code, and below is a link sharing some of the services she in now qualified and excited to offer. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences in her sessions and therefore I highly recommend her, if you or a pet needs extra support at present.

* In addition, the wonderful Global technological community connections have initiated a beautiful connecting protocol that you too can join anytime you choose. They have established this ongoing telepathic network for all; to hold the greatest timeline destiny for yourself, our beautiful planet earth and the divinity in humanity. You may consider it a prayer/ meditation/ connection space where we contribute to loving and supporting not only ourselves and our immediate family and friends, but our global family and environment/ space.

Global Timeline Optimisation Protocol

9am and 9pm (AEST) everyday for 3 minutes at each time.


  • "Tune-in" at 9am and / or 9pm – for 3 minutes - and we will be in silent, conscious, aware connection with each other.

  • It is up to you how frequently you tune-in, the network connection will continue indefinitely.

* At this stage I have set the date for the next 'Simple Kinesiology for Everyday Living' - on Sunday, 5th December, 9am - 5pm for anyone wanting to learn simple tools to determine physical, chemical and/or emotional imbalances, with easy balancing corrections. If there is enough interest we can go ahead, otherwise February 2022 is the next option.

* I'm also currently working on a few other workshops, which hopefully I can share about next newsletter.

Wishing you an open-hearted October!

Much love,

Bronwyn :) xo

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